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SEAS at Rocky Mountain Audio Fest

This year, SEAS will once again formally participate in the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest, held in Denver, Colorado, from October 10-12.
Now, the largest consumer high end audio show in North America, Rocky Mountain Audio Fest has over 170 exhibit rooms with more than 400 manufacturers represented. 
It has become a key event for introduction of new loudspeaker products from many of our customers. As in the past, SEAS will be exhibiting in cooperation with Madisound and LINKWITZ LAB

This year, in RM 418, Siegfried Linkwitz will demonstrate his all-new LX-Mini loudspeaker; using a SEAS L16RN-SL aluminium cone woofer and FU10RB full-range driver, in a unique monopole/ dipole configuration.
The LX-Mini is fully active, using a MiniDSP electronic digital crossover, and is very cost effective as a DIY project.
Mr. Linkwitz will also again be demonstrating his renowned LX-521 monitor loudspeaker system.
Both of these systems employ SEAS drive units exclusively, and have already gained universal praise from those who have heard and built them.
SEAS products will also be well represented in the Madisound display across the hallway in RM 417. Adam Johnson and Brian Kane from Madisound will be in attendance, and are both very knowledgeable on the entire SEAS product line.
Various SEAS drivers will also be on display.
Our Managing Director, Olav Arntzen, and our Technical Sales Manager, Claus Futtrup, will both be in attendance for the duration of the show.
They will be visiting all exhibit rooms during the course of the show, to say hello to customers and to see what is new.
If you would like to set up a private appointment with either Olav or Claus during the the show, please contact us at